A special announcement from Lifetouch
March 26, 2020
Keep moving forward
March 30, 2020Have you noticed something?
We’re talking on the phone more. We’re ZOOMing more (was that even a word 2 weeks ago?). We’re taking more time for each other. We’re strengthening our relationships. Hard as it may be to believe, we’re making more meaningful connections than we have in a long time.
We encourage you to capture as many of these memories when you can through your camera, your phone, your journal, or simply that big old scrapbook in your mind.
How are the grandparents doing?
In the weeks to come, let’s rally around what many have called The Greatest Generation. Let’s bring out their memories. Get on ZOOM or Facetime and connect. If technology’s not their thing, give them a ring. They’d love nothing more than to hear your voice.
Get the ball rolling with Nana and Papa
What was it like when you were my age? Tell me about school. Your house? Your family? Your city or town?
Another thing they love: Letters! Send them your art, your letters, your thoughts. Text, type, snail mail, all the above. It will make them feel better. It will make YOU feel better. Grandparents keep our spirits up. Let’s give back and keep their spirits up too.
Pen Pals
Put the word out on Facebook that your child needs some good old-fashioned snail mail that takes at several days to get there. Almost as much as the older generation, kids of all ages still get excited about a letter delivered to their door.
Don’t forget to include pictures! If you want to get fancy, have your family make a return address label stamp, sticker or wax seal (yes, it’s a thing…again.)
You know who else makes a great Pen Pal?
Your teacher! Drop a note in the mail and they’ll get right back to you. They miss you more than you’ll ever know. It’s always a great time to tell them how much they’ve meant to you. Or just let them know what you’ve been up to, a funny story, and of course, some pics will do the trick!