- adams elementary school
- aki kurose middle school
- alan t sugiyama high school
- alki elementary school
- arbor heights elem school
- bailey gatzert elem school
- beacon hill international school
- bertschi school
- beverly park-glendale elem sch
- bishop blanchet high school
- cascade middle school
- cascade view elementary sch
- cedar park elementary sch
- center school
- chief sealth international hs
- christ the king school
- cleveland stem high school
- coe elementary school
- daniel bagley elem school
- denny international middle
- dunlap elementary school
- emerson elementary school
- evergreen high school
- fairview christian school
- franklin high school
- green lake elementary school
- hawthorne elementary school
- hazel wolf k-8
- hilltop elementary school
- holy family bilingual catholic school
- holy rosary school
- hope lutheran school
- john hay elementary school
- john muir elementary school
- john stanford international school
- licton springs k-8
- lincoln high school
- lowell elementary school
- loyal heights elem school
- madison middle school
- maple elementary school
- martin luther king elementary school
- mcclure middle school
- mcdonald international school
- meany middle school
- middle college high sch
- mount view elementary school
- new start high school
- north beach elementary school
- northgate elementary school
- nova high school
- olympic hills elementary
- orca k-8 school
- pacific crest school
- rainier beach high school
- rainier prep
- rainier valley leadership academy
- rainier view elementary school
- rising star elementary
- salmon bay k-8 school
- sand point elementary school
- sanislo elementary school
- seattle lutheran high school
- seattle parks and recreation
- south shore school
- st bernadette school
- st. catherine school
- sterling west seattle school
- stevens elementary school
- st george school
- summit atlas
- summit sierra
- university of washington
- washington middle school
- west seattle high school
- west seattle montessori sch/acad
- wing luke elementary sch