- blessed sacrament school
- bridge preparatory charter school
- curtis high school
- eagle acad for young men - staten island
- eagle acad for young men - staten island
- early learning ctr
- father vincent capodanno catholic acad
- friends preschool
- gateway academy
- holy child football club
- is 34 totten
- i.s. 49 berta a. dreyfus
- is 51 edwin markham
- miraj islamic school
- new dorp christian academy
- new world prep chrtr sch
- new world prep-south
- our lady queen of peace school
- our lady star of the sea school
- p.s. 10-fort hill collaborative elem sch
- p.s. 16 john j. driscoll
- ps 18 john g whittier
- ps 19 the curtis school
- p.s. 1 the tottenville school
- ps 21 the margaret p. emery elm park sch
- ps 30 westerleigh
- ps 31 william t davis
- ps 36 j c drumgoole
- ps 373r @ is 61
- ps 373r @ ps 58
- ps 373r @ ps 6
- ps 373r @ ps 80
- ps 373r @ ps 861
- ps 373r @ ps/is 48
- ps 373r rbrt randall sch
- ps 38 george cromwell
- p.s. 41 - the stephanie a. vierno school
- ps 42 the eltingville school
- ps 45 the john tyler school
- ps 4 maurice wollin school
- ps 50 frank hankinson
- p.s. 56 - the louis desario school
- ps 57 hubert h humphrey
- p.s. 60 alice austen school
- p.s. 6 - corporal allan f. kivlehan sch
- ps 74 - future leaders elementary school
- ps 80 michael j. petrides
- ps 84 - the waverly acad of empowered
- ps 9 naples st elementary
- ps/is 25 - south richmond high school
- p.s/i.s. 48 william g wilcox
- ps/is no 25
- rabbi jacob joseph school for boys
- rabbi jacob joseph school for girls
- richmond early learning center
- richmond prek ctrteleport
- richmond prek-ebbitts st
- richmond prek-frcapodanno
- richmond pre-k-housman av
- richmond prek-richmond av
- richmond prek-stuyvesant
- richmond prek-victory blv
- sacred heart elementary school
- saint ann school
- staten island academy
- st john's lutheran school
- st patrick school-richmond
- susan e wagner high school
- the margaret gioiosa pleasant plains sch
- the young women's leadership school