- ackerson lake cmty ed center
- cascades elementary school
- da vinci high school
- da vinci primary charter school
- dibble elementary school
- east jackson elementary school
- fourth street learning center
- francis street primary
- hunt elementary school
- jackson christian elem
- jackson christian hs
- jackson pathways
- jackson prep/early clg
- jackson senior high school
- john r. lewis elementary
- jps montessori center
- lumen christi catholic school
- middle school at parkside
- northeast elementary school
- northwest alternative high school
- northwest community schools
- northwest early elementary school
- northwest elementary school
- northwest high school
- northwest middle school
- northwest preschool and childcare center
- paragon charter academy
- sharp park elementary school
- south central mi virtual
- st mary star of the sea school
- t.a. wilson academy
- townsend elementary school
- vandercook lake high school
- vandercook lake middle school
- western career prep high school