- academy of the america k-3
- academy of the americas
- adams-young elementary
- adams-young middle school
- a l holmes academy of blended learning
- bagley elem school of journalism & tech
- barack obama leadership academy
- bates academy
- bennett elementary school
- bow elementary middle school
- bridge academy west
- burton international school
- carstens elementary-middle school
- charles wright elem school
- christ the king school
- cornerstone jefferson douglass academy
- david ellis academy
- denby high school
- depsa high school
- detroit acad arts & sciences
- detroit achievement acad
- detroit cristo rey high school
- detroit enterprise academy
- detroit innovation acad
- detroit leadership academy high school
- detroit leadership academy prek-8
- detroit merit academy
- detroit premier academy
- detroit prep
- detroit prep
- detroit public safety academy
- detroit windsor dance acad
- dpscd virtual
- earhart elementary-middle sch
- early childhood
- edmonson elementary school
- escuela avancemos academy
- flagship charter school
- foreign language immersion sch
- george crockett academy
- hamilton elementary school
- harms elementary school
- international islamic academy
- keidan special education center
- legacy charter academy
- lincoln-king high school
- macdowell prep academy
- madison-carver academy
- marion law academy
- mark twain school for scholars
- mason academy
- mas quran institute
- maybury elementary school
- mlk high school
- moses field elem/mdl sch
- mumford high school
- munger elementary-middle school
- neinas elementary school
- new paradigm college prep
- northwestern high school
- oakland international academy (5-8)
- oakland international academy (k - 8)
- old redford academy elementary
- old redford academy middle
- old redford acad prep hs
- palmer park preparatory academy
- pembroke academy
- priest elementary middle school
- regent park scholars charter school
- renaissance high school
- roberto clemente academy
- ronald brown academy
- sampson webber academy
- shulze academy for technology and arts
- southeastern high school
- sw detroit community sch
- temple of faith baptist sch
- the school at marygrove high school
- the school at marygrove k-4
- thirkell elementary school
- trix academy
- university prep academy high school
- university prep academy ms
- university prep art and design
- university prep - murray
- university prep science & math es
- university prep science & math high sch
- upsm middle school
- voyageur academy
- voyageur college prep hs
- walter chrysler elem sch
- warrendale charter academy
- weston preparatory academy
- west side academy of info
- wieliczka dancers