- academy of blended learning education
- antietam academy
- barbara ingram school for the arts
- bester elementary school
- broadfording chrstn acad
- eastern elementary school
- emma k doub elementary school
- emmanuel christian school
- e. russell hicks middle school
- fountaindale magnet elem sch
- fountain rock elem school
- grace academy
- hagerstown cmty college adult education
- heritage academy
- highland view academy
- horizon mennonite school
- jonathan hager elementary
- marshall street education ctr
- maugansville elementary school
- mj70 territory house acct
- mt. aetna adventist elementary school
- northern middle school
- north hagerstown high school
- old forge elementary school
- pangborn elem school
- paramount elementary school
- potomac heights elem school
- purdue university global
- rockland woods elem school
- ruth ann monroe primary school
- salem ave. elementary school
- south hagerstown high school
- st. maria goretti catholic high school
- st. mary catholic school
- washington co technical high school
- washington county summer school
- western heights middle school