- adams elementary school
- all saints catholic school
- anderson elementary school
- annoor islamic school
- benton elementary school
- blessed sacrament school
- bryant opportunity acad
- buckner perform arts mag es
- caldwell elementary school
- campus high school
- central christian academy
- central christian church
- central homeschool family ministry
- cessna elementary school
- chester lewis academy
- christa mcauliffe academy
- circle greenwich elementary
- clark elementary school
- cleaveland traditional mag sch
- cloud elementary school
- crestview country club
- dnlp trnstn cmps @ chshm
- education imagine academy
- enders open magnet school
- franklin elementary school
- gardiner elementary school
- gordon parks academy
- griffith elementary school
- hamilton middle school
- harry street elementary school
- heartspring
- holy cross lutheran school
- holy savior catholic acad
- horace mann dual lang mag sch
- hyde ldrshp/int'l exp mag
- independent school
- kansas dance academy
- kansas music educators association
- levy special education school
- life preparatory academy
- linwood elementary school
- l'ouverture comp tech mag sch
- magdalen catholic school
- maize early childhood ctr
- maize south elementary
- maize south high school
- maize south middle school
- marshall middle school
- martin elementary school
- mayberry magnet middle school
- mccollom elementary school
- minneha core knowledge es
- mueller elementary school
- oaklawn elementary school
- oatville elementary school
- o k elementary school
- ortiz elementary school
- park elementary school
- paul cooper elementary school
- payne elementary school
- pleasant valley elementary sch
- price harris elem sch-harris
- riverside leadership magnet elementary
- rockwood swim pool & club
- rp80 territory house acct
- ruth clark elementary school
- seltzer elementary school
- south rock christian church
- south wrestling club
- sowers alternative high school
- spaght science/comm mgnt
- stanley elementary school
- st anne catholic school
- st catherine of siena cath sch
- st elizabeth a seton cath sch
- st francis of assisi school
- st joseph catholic school
- st jude catholic school
- st margaret mary catholic sch
- st patrick catholic school
- st peter catholic school
- st thomas aquinas catholic school
- the independent lower school
- the independent middle school
- today's christian academy
- trinity academy
- urban preparatory academy
- val jackson elementary school
- valley center recreation
- washington elementary sch
- wheatland elementary school
- white elementary school
- wichita adventist christian academy
- wichita collegiate middle school
- wichita collegiate upper school
- wichita country club
- wichita east high school
- wichita heights high school
- wichita north high school
- wichita northwest high school
- wichita southeast high school
- wichita south high school
- wichita swim club
- wichita unified sch dist 259
- wichita west high school
- wilbur middle school
- wineteer elementary school
- woodland hlth/wellness mag es