- academy/global ctznshp
- academy st benedict african
- agustin lara academy
- alain locke charter academy
- albany park multicultural acad
- alfred nobel dual language school
- amandla charter school
- amelia earhart elementary school
- andrew carnegie elementary school
- annunciata school
- armour elementary school
- arnold mireles academy
- arthur ashe elementary school
- art in motion
- aspira - antonia pantoja high school
- aspira business and finance school
- aspira early college high school
- aspira haugan middle school
- austin career education center
- austin college and career academy
- avondale-logandale school
- back of the yards college prep high sch
- bais yaakov hebrew school (girls school)
- baker college prep
- barbara a. sizemore acad
- bass elementary school
- beasley magnet academic ctr
- beethoven elementary school
- beidler elementary school
- belding elementary school
- belmont-cragin elem school
- benito juarez academy
- benjamin e. mays elem academy
- bennett elementary school
- bernhard moos elementary school
- bethesda international academy
- betty shabazz academy
- beverly arts center
- blaine elementary school
- bowen high school
- bradwell elementary school
- bridge elementary school
- bridge middle school
- bronzeville acad charter
- bronzeville classical es
- bronzeville scholastic institute
- brown academy
- burke elementary school
- butler college prep
- cambridge classical acad
- cameron elementary school
- canaryville lions fb/chr
- cardenas elem-n campus
- carter school of excellence
- cassell elementary school
- catalyst circle rock
- catalyst maria charter
- catherine cook school
- cesar chavez multicultural academic ctr
- chalmers school of excellence
- charles j sahs elem school
- cheder lubavitch girls school
- chicago academy high school
- chicago bulls college prep
- chicago collegiate charter school
- chicago hope academy
- chicago intl charter-longwood
- chicago jesuit academy
- chicago math science acad
- chicago tech academy
- chicago west side christian school
- chicago world language academy
- christopher elem school
- christopher house elementary school
- christ the king jesuit college prep sch
- christ the king school
- cics - avalon
- cics - basil
- cics - bucktown
- cics - chicagoquest
- cics - irving park
- cics - lloyd bond campus
- cics-northtown academy
- cics - prairie
- cics - washington park
- cics - west belden
- cics-wrightwood
- claremont elementary school
- clemente community academy hs
- cmty youth development school
- coles elementary school
- collins academy
- columbia explorers academy
- cook elementary school
- cooper dual language academy
- courtenay language arts acad
- crdnl bernardin mntssri
- crown community academy
- cuffe math science tech acad
- curie metropolitan high school
- curtis school of excellence
- daley academy
- darwin elementary school
- deneen elementary school
- depaul college prep
- depriest elementary school
- dever elementary school
- devry advantage high school
- dewey academy
- dewitt clinton elementary school
- disney ii magnet - high school
- dixon elementary school
- donoghue charter school
- dr. martin l king, jr. college prep hs
- drwt college prep
- duke ellington elementary sch
- durkin park elementary school
- dvorak math sci tech acad
- east-west university
- ebinger elementary school
- edison park elementary school
- edwards elementary school
- ed white career academy
- emmett till fine & performing arts sch
- englewood stem high sch
- epiphany school
- ericson scholastic academy
- erie elementary charter school
- esmond elementary school
- everett elementary school
- fernwood elementary school
- field elementary school
- foreman college & career academy
- foster park elementary school
- frazier international magnet
- frazier prep academy
- frdrck douglass acad hs
- ft dearborn elementary school
- funston elementary school
- gage park high school
- gale cmty academy
- gallistel language academy
- garvey elementary school
- garvy elementary school
- gary comer college prep
- gary comer middle school
- gems world academy
- george armstrong elem school
- george leland elementary school
- george pullman elem sch
- gillespie elementary school
- good shepherd catholic school
- good shepherd chrstn acad
- grace christian academy
- grace lutheran school
- graham elementary school
- gray elementary school
- gregory elementary school
- gresham elementary school
- grissom elementary school
- g rogers clark elem school
- gunsaulus scholastic academy
- gus giordano dance school
- gwendolyn brooks prep academy
- haines elementary school
- hamline elementary school
- hampton arts school
- hana early childhood ctr
- hancock high school
- harold washington elem school
- harvard elementary school
- haugan elementary school
- hayt elementary school
- hedges fine & performing arts school
- hendricks community academy
- henry elementary school
- heritage leadership acad
- herzl elementary school
- higgins community academy
- holden elementary school
- holy angels school
- holy family lutheran school
- holy trinity high school
- horizon science academy mckinley park
- horizon science academy sw chicago
- hsa belmont elementary school (k-6)
- hsa belmont high school (7-10)
- hubbard high school
- hughes elementary school
- icci academy
- infinity math sci tech hs
- innovations high school
- instituto health sciences career academy
- inter cultura mont lang sch
- it takes a village leadership academy
- it takes a village leadership academy
- james farmer jr
- jdby-ytt nursery school
- jenner academy of the arts sch
- jesse owens community academy-n campus
- jesse owens community academy-s campus
- jewish child & family services
- j n thorp elementary school
- john c. dore early childhood center
- john c. dore elementary school
- john d shoop elementary sch
- john fiske elementary school
- john foster dulles elem school
- johnnie colemon academy
- johnson college prep
- john spry cmty school
- jones college prep school
- joplin elementary school
- jordan community school
- josefa ortiz de dominguez elementary sch
- josephinum academy
- julian high school
- julia ward howe elem sch of excellence
- jungman elementary school
- keller regional gifted center
- kelly high school
- kelvyn park high school
- kendall college
- kennedy high school
- kenwood academy
- kipling elementary school
- kipp acad chicago primary
- kipp academy chicago
- kipp ascend middle
- kipp ascend primary
- kipp one academy
- kozminski cmty academy
- lasalle language academy
- lawndale community academy
- lazaro cardenas elem sch
- learn 1 - romano butler campus
- learn 4 - south chicago campus
- learn 5 - hunter perkins campus
- learn 7 elementary school
- learn 8 middle school
- learn charles & dorothy campbell campus
- learn excel
- learn pre-k program
- legacy charter school
- legal prep charter academy
- lenart rgnl gifted ctr
- lindblom math & sci acad
- little learners academy
- little village academy
- little village hs for social justice
- lloyd elementary school
- lovett elementary school
- lowell elementary school
- madero middle school
- madison elementary school
- mahalia jackson elementary school
- manierre elementary school
- manley career academy
- mann elementary school
- mansueto high school
- maria saucedo scholastic acad
- marine leadership academy
- mark twain elementary school
- marquette west elem school
- mason elementary school
- mather high school
- mayer elementary school
- mccormick elementary school
- mccutcheon elementary school
- mcdade classical school
- mcdowell school of international studies
- mckay elementary school
- mcnair elementary school
- melody elementary school
- midwestern christian academy
- miles davis magnet academy
- milton r.brunson math&sci specialty sch
- miñoso academy (mcclellan)
- mlk academy of social justice
- mollison elementary school
- monarcas academy
- monroe elementary school
- montessori learning center
- montessori school- englewood
- morgan park academy
- morrill elementary school
- morton school of excellence
- moving everest charter school
- mt vernon elementary school
- muchin college prep
- multicultural arts high school
- murray language academy
- namaste charter school
- nathan s davis elementary school
- near north montessori school
- neil elementary school
- new life christian school
- new sullivan elementary school
- nicholas senn high school
- ninos heroes community academy
- nixon elementary school
- n lawndale college prep collins campus
- noble st cs-golder prep
- noble street college prep
- north grand high school
- north lawndale charter school christiana
- north river elementary
- north shore adventist academy
- northside catholic academy
- northside college prep
- northside learning center
- northwest middle school
- oakdale christian academy
- o'keeffe school of excellence
- on pointe performing arts
- orozco community academy
- orr academy high school
- otis elementary school
- our lady of guadalupe school
- our lady of tepeyac elementary school
- our lady of tepeyac high sch
- owen scholastic academy
- pablo casals elementary school
- parker community academy
- passages charter school
- peterson elementary school
- phillips high school
- phoenix stem military academy
- piccolo school of excellence
- pickard elementary school
- plaid academy
- plamondon elementary school
- poe classical school
- polaris charter academy
- pope john paul ii catholic school
- portage park elementary school
- powell elementary school
- prescott elementary school
- pritzker college prep
- prosser career academy
- providence st mel school
- prussing elementary school
- purdue university global
- queen of martyrs school
- randolph magnet school
- rauner college prep
- ravenswood christian sch
- reilly elementary school
- resurrection clg prep hs
- revere elementary school
- richard t. crane medical preparatory hs
- rickover naval academy
- rodolfo lozano bilingual & int'l study
- rowe-clark math & science academy
- rowe elementary school
- rtc medical h.s.
- ruiz elementary school
- rush university
- ryder elementary school
- saint luke academy
- saint patrick high school
- sandoval elementary school
- san miguel school
- sauganash elementary school
- sawyer elementary school
- sayre language academy
- sharks swim club
- sheridan math & science acad
- sherman elementary school
- sherwood elementary school
- shields middle school
- shoesmith elementary school
- simeon vocational high school
- skinner west
- solomon elementary school
- southside academy (main campus)
- southside occupational academy c3
- spencer technology academy
- spry cmty links high school
- s shore fine arts academy
- stagg elementary school
- st angela school
- st ann grade school
- st bede the venerable school
- st bruno and richard school
- st bruno school and richards
- st ethelreda school
- st eugene school
- st francis de sales high sch
- st jerome school
- st john de lasalle academy
- st john fisher school
- st john lutheran school
- st josaphat school
- st nicholas cathedral sch
- stock school
- st paul lutheran school dorchester
- st. sava academy
- st walter school
- suder montessori magnet school
- sullivan high school
- talman elementary school
- tanner elementary school
- tarkington elementary school
- telpochcalli elementary school
- the noble academy
- the university of chicago
- u i c college prep
- university of il chicago school of law
- univ of chicago-woodlawn
- velma thomas early childhood center
- virtual academy
- von steuben metro science center
- wadsworth pk-8 stem elem
- warren elementary school
- wells community academy
- wendell e green elem school
- westinghouse career academy
- west lawn little league
- west town academy
- whistler elementary school
- whittier elementary school
- william h brown elementary stem
- william h seward academy
- williams prep school of medicine
- woodlawn community school
- world language school at little village
- yates elementary school
- yeshivas tiferes tzvi acd
- young elementary school
- zizumbo acero school