- azalea middle school
- bay point elementary school
- bay point middle school
- bay vista fundamental sch
- bear creek elementary school
- canterbury school of florida - knowlton
- doug jamerson elem school
- fairmount park elem school
- ft80 territory house acct
- gulfcoast sda school
- john hopkins middle school
- lakewood elementary school
- lakewood high school
- maximo elementary school
- meadowlawn middle school
- melrose elementary school
- mt. zion christian academy
- new heights elementary school
- northeast high school
- northwest elementary school
- perkins elementary school
- seventy-fourth st. elem
- st jude cathedral school
- st. petersburg christian school
- st. petersburg collegiate hs-gibbs
- st raphael school
- the broach sch - st. petersburg campus
- thurgood marshall fundmnt
- tyrone middle school
- westgate elementary school
- woodlawn elementary school