- aga-broward hs
- apollo middle school
- attucks middle school
- avante garde academy broward elementary
- ben gamla charter north broward
- bridgeprep acad-hlywd hls
- calvary christian academy
- chaminade madonna college prep
- championship academy of distinction
- charter school of excellence
- driftwood middle school
- embassy creek elementary school
- guidepost montessori
- hollywood academy of arts & science
- hollywood central elem school
- hollywood hills high school
- hollywood park elementary school
- international school of broward
- little flower school
- mary m bethune elementary school
- mcarthur high school
- mcnicol middle school
- nativity school
- orange brook elementary school
- renaissance charter cooper city
- sheridan hills elem school
- sheridan tech center
- stirling elementary school
- sunshine elementary charter & paragon ms
- the quest center
- watkins elementary school
- westlake preparatory school