- abbott-o-rabbit little league
- act
- airport heights elementary school
- akchoice k-12 learning
- ak territory house acct
- alaska all stars hockey association
- alaska dance theatre
- alaska middle college school
- alaska native cultural charter school
- alaska rush soccer club
- anchorage christian preschool nl
- anchorage hockey association
- anchorage junior academy
- anchorage music and dance center
- anchorage school district
- anchorage stream academy
- anchorage waldorf school
- anchorage west little league
- anchor lutheran school
- aquarian charter school
- bartlett high school
- baxter elementary school
- bayshore early learning center
- bayshore elementary school
- bear valley elementary school
- begich middle school
- benny benson alternative high school
- bettye davis east anchorage high school
- bowman elementary school
- boys & girls club anchorage
- boys & girls clubs - alaska
- bright beginning-old swrd
- bright beginnings-abbott
- bright beginnings-brandon
- campbell stem elementary school
- carousel child care center
- center stage dance
- central middle school
- chester valley elementary school
- chinook elementary school
- chugach optional elementary school
- clark middle school
- classical conversations
- college gate elementary school
- cook inlet soccer club
- creekside park elementary school
- delta sigma theta - alaska
- denali montessori school
- dimond high school
- dr. etheldra davis fairview elementary
- faith lutheran preschool
- gladys wood elementary school
- goldenview middle school
- government hill elementary school
- grace christian school
- hanshew middle school
- highland academy charter school
- hillcrest children's center
- holy rosary academy
- huffman elementary school
- independent baptist church of anchorage
- inlet view elementary school
- kasuun elementary school
- king tech high school
- klatt elementary school
- lake otis elementary school
- mears middle school
- mountain city christian academy
- mountain view elementary school
- muldoon elementary school
- north anchorage christian acad
- northern lights abc school
- northern lights pre-sch & kdrn
- north star elementary school
- northwood elementary school
- nunaka valley little league
- ocean view elementary school
- o'malley elementary school
- pacific northern academy
- polar little league
- ptarmigan elementary school
- rabbit creek elementary school
- raven homeschool - anchorage
- rilke schule german school-arts/science
- rogers park elementary school
- romig middle school
- russian jack elementary school
- saint elizabeth ann seton school
- sand lake elementary school
- scenic park elementary school
- service high school
- south anchorage high school
- south anchorage hockey association
- spring hill elementary school
- spyder soccer
- sunflower preschool
- susitna elementary school
- taku elementary school
- tanaina child dev center
- the dome
- trailside elementary school
- tundra tykes cclc
- turnagain elementary school
- wendler middle school
- west high school
- whaley school
- william tyson elementary school
- williwaw elementary school
- willow crest elementary school
- winterberry charter school
- wonder park elementary school